FinTouch CostEffect BV
Cost Management is all about the balance between people and content!

Expertise areas

Cost Management 

An essential tool for managing value-adding activities within your organization. Our extensive expertise in this area combined with our close cooperation with CostPerform ensure that we achieve a perfect result together with you. In our vision, a customer must be able to carry out the management himself after the initial implementation.

Business Cases

Major investments and changes have a big effect on results. To make a sound decision it is wise to make a good quantitative calculation of the possible effects by building a business case. Our business case models enable dynamic scenario analysis on key parameters.

(Financial) process optimization

Clear (financial) processes prevent errors and unnecessary (recovery) activities and therefor costs. We draw up the processes based on the insights in the organization and our experience. We also ensure that these are also supported within your organization.


Organizational change and the implementation of new solutions is all about people and requires close collaboration with the organization to achieve good results. Setting up instruments has good results when an organization accepts and uses the outcomes of the instruments. This is achieved by developing the instruments together with the organization.

We are welcome to discuss with the possibilities in these areas to achieve a good result together.

Please use our contact form and we are looking forward to your interest!